Digestive Plans

Lower G.I. Distress Plan

This is recommended as a general and self-guided 30-day plan to support mucosal tissue in the intestines, support bowel function and provides bowel cleansing*

Chlorophyll Complex™, 60 Softgels

Chlorophyll Complex supports multiple body systems.*

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Upon Waking Breakfast 10am Lunch 2pm Dinner Before Bed
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*You will need three bottles for this 30-day plan.

Okra Pepsin E3, 90 Capsules

Okra Pepsin E3 supports intestinal function.*

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Upon Waking Breakfast 10am Lunch 2pm Dinner Before Bed
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*You will need two bottles for this 30-day plan.

Enzycore, 150 Capsules

Enzycore is a comprehensive blend of enzymes, glutamine, and whole food ingredients designed to support healthy digestion and maximize nutrient absorption.*

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Upon Waking Breakfast 10am Lunch 2pm Dinner Before Bed
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*You will need one bottle for this 30-day plan.

GI Stability™, 90 Wafers

GI Stability supports the GI tract by delivering targeted prebiotic action, supporting a healthy gut microbiome, and feeding the growth of beneficial bacteria.*

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Upon Waking Breakfast 10am Lunch 2pm Dinner Before Bed
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*You will need two bottles for this 30-day plan.

Lifestyle Recommendations:

Removal of trans fats and poor quality protein sources is encouraged. Increasing vegetables (that are high in enzymes) helps to breakdown food that is fermenting, putrefying and going rancid. If the gallbladder was removed, then bile salt (search for CholacoI) supplementation with meals may be required.*

The Importance of Medical Professionals

If you are on pharmaceutical products and would like a medical professional to help regulate dosages and herbal interactions, please request an online appointment.

Health Screening and Risk Management

Pharmaceutical Dosing Modulation 

Herbs and Drug Interactions

Medical Testing and Tracking of Metrics

Have any questions?

Schedule an online appointment now.

Better understand functional testing, symptom patterns and priority of products in this plan. We can tailor fit a plan to fit your unique body chemistry.

Schedule Now


This website's content is for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Specific Health is not liable for the use of this information. Product statements and claims about Supplement Plans are independent of Standard Process Inc. and Integria Healthcare. Dr. Lavell, authorized to sell Standard Process products, is not their legal partner or representative. For medical advice, always consult a qualified healthcare provider.